Christmas gifts
you must complete all details below to register and receive a Gift.
Christmas Gift details
To register your child(ren) to receive a gift you must fill out the form on this page and be in attendance, with your child(ren), at the pick-up time you will be sent. You must also download, fill out and sign the waiver form found below. You must bring the filled waiver form with you when you come to the Woodlawn Community Building to pick-up your gift(s). Please add at least 3 gift suggestions per child. Please do not suggest any gifts over $25. If suggesting clothing please add proper size. You may register as many children age 18 and below, who reside in your Woodlawn residence.
Gifts will only be available during the pick-up time you will be sent. If you are not in attendance at the Woodlawn Community Building on the evening of December 21st at your time slot you will not receive your gift(s).